Trademark Registration

Trademark Registration Act, 1999 Protects your Brand Name and Innovation Before you starts your Business or someone will take it. It is a unique identity Logo or word(s) used to represent a business or its products. Once registered, that same Logo or series of words cannot be used by any other organisation, forever, as long as it remains in use and proper paperwork and fees are paid. A trademark once registered it is valid for 10 years subject to renewal after that. After trademark application is submitted with the department you can use TM / SM symbols. After approval of the application. Intellectual property rights help's in providing exclusive rights to creator or inventor thereby induces them to distribute, share information and data instead of keeping it confidential.

TM / SM Registration: - Trademark Protects Logo | Brand Name | Brand Image | Colour | Sound | Symbol | Coined | Letters | Numerals | Taglines | Shapes | emblem | Sign | Stamp | device | Badge | Crest | Insignia | Seal | Coat of arms | Shield | Motif | Hallmark | Mark | Figure | Monogram | Colophon ( / ˈ S ɒ l ə f ən, -f ɒ n /)

Includes: - Free Trademark & Class Search | Assistance in TM Classification | Drafting of User Affidavit & Application | Filing of the Trademark Application & Post Legal Support

Call us or Click for Free Consultation on your Trademark Registration Company @ 9620049886

Trademark Registration For Forigners in India

A trademark is a words legally registered unique mark or sign that represents a company or business Products irrespective of its origin. For a foreign corporation interested to enter the Indian market, they need to file an application for trademark registration with the Indian Trademark Office. You may consider registering every Mark, Brand Name, Label, Product Name, Logo, Tag line and the Domain Names as the trademark in India for an effective remedy in case of misuse by any other person. By leveraging your patent and trademarks beyond your home market, you can get ahead of your competitor!

TM / SM Registration: - Trademark Protects Logo | Brand Name | Brand Image | Colour | Sound | Symbol | Coined | Letters | Numerals | Taglines | Shapes | emblem | Sign | Stamp | device | Badge | Crest | Insignia | Seal | Coat of arms | Shield | Motif | Hallmark | Mark | Figure | Monogram | Colophon
( / ˈ S ɒ l ə f ən, -f ɒ n /)

Includes :- Free Trademark & Class Search | Assistance in TM Classification | Drafting of User Affidavit & Application | Filing of the Trademark Application & Post Legal Support

Call us or Click for Free Consultation on your Foreign Trademark Registration Company @ 9620049886.

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Trademark Registration in Bangalore with free Trademark Search, TM Application Filing, Trademark Registration for Foreigner, Copyright Registration, Patent Registration, Design Registration, Objection Reply, Opposition, Hearing, Litigation, Rectification, Trademark Transfer, Watchdog Services, Renewal, Applying for Trademark Registration Certificate IP Attorneys Services. A One Stop Solution for your IP Protection, managed by specialized team with Sr IP Attorneys, IP Consultant, Sr Corporate Lawyers, CS – Company Secretaries in India & Overseas.

  10/3, Dodda Banaswadi Main Rd, Near Orin East Mall, Jaibharath Nagar, Maruthi Sevanagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560033


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