Copyright Registration

Copyright registration in India is enrolled under Copyright Act, 1957. It provides safety so that the work carried out by the creator of work cannot be copied by anyone and to restore the uniqueness of the product. There are bundles of rights under Copyright like communication to the public, the rights of reproduction, adaptation, and translation of the work.

Copyright is basically a legal right which has been provided to the creators of. Sometimes even businesses and start-ups get copyright registration related to instruction manuals, product literature and user guides. Usually, copyright is possessed by a creator of the work, but sometimes even the employer of its creator or the person who has authorised the work can own the copyright.

Filing of Copyright Includes: - website | script | program | books | poems | literature | logo design | style | musical and Artistic | Dramatics | invention | document | brochure | Flow chart | advertising | work and even the producer’s films | song lyrics | make photos | sound recordings | games...

Includes: - Filing the Copyright Application | Examination | Objection | discrepancy found during scrutiny | zero discrepancy | objection filed & application is accepted | Registration

Call us or Click for Free Consultation on your Copyrights Registration Company @ 9620049886.

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Trademark Registration in Bangalore with free Trademark Search, TM Application Filing, Trademark Registration for Foreigner, Copyright Registration, Patent Registration, Design Registration, Objection Reply, Opposition, Hearing, Litigation, Rectification, Trademark Transfer, Watchdog Services, Renewal, Applying for Trademark Registration Certificate IP Attorneys Services. A One Stop Solution for your IP Protection, managed by specialized team with Sr IP Attorneys, IP Consultant, Sr Corporate Lawyers, CS – Company Secretaries in India & Overseas.

  10/3, Dodda Banaswadi Main Rd, Near Orin East Mall, Jaibharath Nagar, Maruthi Sevanagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560033


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